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18 May 2009

Stranger - غرباء


غرباء و لغير الله لا نحني الجباه

غرباء و ارتضيناها شعارا للحياة

إن تسل عنا فإنا لا نبالي بالطغاة

نحن جند الله دوما دربنا درب الإباء

لن نبالي بالقيود بل سنمضي للخلود

فالنجاهد ونناضل و نقاتل من جديد

غرباء هكذا الأحرار في دنيا العبيد

كم تذكرنا زمانا يوم كنا سعداء

بكتاب الله نتلوه صباحا و مساء


Strangers … strangers … strangers … strangers

Strangers… and without it being for Allah, we will not be rewarded

Strangers… to be satisfied with it is the motto for life

If you ask about us, then indeed we do not care of the tyranny

We are the soldiers of Allah, our path is that of (being) rejected

We do not care for about our shackles, indeed we will strive for eternity

Thus we fight and struggle and strike anew

Its strangeness as is the passion of the earth's slaves

How many times we remember a time; a day that was joyous

Allah's book, we recite night and day

Strangers … strangers … strangers … strangers


Now people mind become very strange. They disobey about the sunnahtullah. They do not want to do their responsibility. Islam need to be practise in wherever you are, no matter how busy we are. But when it comes to Allah and Islam. Others would just be the back up but Islam is becoming our priority.

They are suppose to be the stranger because did not do ta'lifan from Allah s.w.t.

"Allahumma inna as-a'luka al-huda,al-tuqa',al-a'fafa,al-ghina"


p/s: for that particular person. this is my answer.

13 May 2009

world is too wonderful with "EXCUSES"


This week again I cannot go back home because there is a program which I need to attend..'s a MUST to go. In fact, almost 1 month 3 week which i did not go back home at all. This is the first time. But for Islam, I sacrify my time with my family, and of course missing them will always haunted me. However, when we place Islam at the highest hierarchy in life, then InsyaAllah we will able to do that.

Somehow, not all people understand the priority which "fik-awlawiyat" that will guide us in order to make decision in life. We cannot ask the situation to follow our flexibility, but we ourself suppose to adapt with the environment itself.


So, the problem came up when I ask my follower to attend the program as well. What happen was there are so many "no", "sorry I cannot", and "don't want".

What I should do then? I tried my very best to explain them and give them alternative. Afterwards, Im sharing my experience. I believe in Legenda, PMI is the best platform to educate our self in religion especially. To get to know Allah s.w.t better than ever.

Furthermore, it also will help you to improve your skill in order to communicate with people, to do technical part like doing proposal, these help you a lot when you are going out there for work. But of course, the ultimate aim is to understand Islam and train yourself to work for Islam. Indeed, I want to emphasize here that PLEASE BE A STUDENT WHICH ONLY THING ABOUT THEIR LIFE. Sometime we do not know how much people around need help from our self. Their heart screaming but the voice we could not here. You only can listen if you tried to discover.


You have first seek the answer and reason to come, not to avoid to come.Normally people tend to give many many excuses NOT TO COME. Yes, I know there is sometimes a good reason but at the particular time it became nonsense! Why?

Normally.. Sorry, I have a lot of assignment..

Sorry, My mother ask me to go back home..

Sorry, I want to dating with my boy friend. (this one not yet, but if they give this reason..i sue them..hehe)

Sorry, I am not feeling very well..

Hello friends, you think you are the only one got assignment? Have mother father? Sick?

For me these kind of reason is no more valid. But I know, I cannot compare their understanding with my level of understanding. But what I want to say here is, train your self to cmake a decision base on the priority. This is the challenge, i think it just to small compare the real world out there which very cruel.


This i sthe knowledge which able to help us to solve the problem in order to make a decision. Especially when many IMPORTANT AND UNEXPECTED THINGS COME ACCROSS.. Letter I will explain furter abFik Awlawiyah.. Got To Go..

Ilal liqa'


12 May 2009

Wanita begini..


"Wanita hiasan dunia.. Seindah hiasan adalah wanita solehah".. Itulah antara bait-bait lagi y ang memartabatkan kaum wanita. Bukan ini sahaja, malahan lambakan lagi lagu yang memuja-muja wanita.. Tapi disini, bukan itu yang mahu aku bicarakan. Sekadar sedikit perkongsian.

Selalukan, kalau kita lihat ibu-ibu kita,mak-mak ke. Ah,samalah tue. Kalau ayah balik lambat, kat rumah mesti dah macam cacing kepanasan. Buktinya, ibu aku, bila ayah balik lambat niaga je mulalah dia suruh aku telefon lah, bukakkan pintu gate awal-awal. Jengguk-jengguk kat tingkap. Adeih~ Ini fitrah wanita, fitrah seorang isteri yang memang dan pasti akan selalu bimbangkan suaminya. Fitrah insani bernama wanita.

Dalam surah Al-Quraisy ayat 4 Allah berfirman:
"Yang telah memberikan makanan kepada mereka untuk menghilangkan lapar dan mengamankan mereka dari rasa ketakutan"

"Ketakutan" sinonim dengan wanita. Tapi, bukanlah bermaksud wanita ini penakut. Cumanya "takot" bertempat menepati fitrahnya. Ada faham? Pening? Okeyh.. Macam ini.. Wanita ini lazimnya takut kepada 3 perkara, bukan benda. Beza tau,cuba eja. (loyar buruk pulok aku ni.hee. gurau je).


Pertama --> Wanita takut di abaikan.
Kedua --> Wanita takut di tinggalkan.
Ketiga --> Wanita takut dikurangkan "hak"nya.

Lepas tuh, lagi satu perkara ialah yang memang sinonim dengan wanita adalah "bimbang".

Pertama --> Wanita akan bimbang kepada sesuatu yang tiada kepastian.
Kedua --> Wanita akan bimbang kepada perkara yang tiada jaminan.

Ini memang lumrah kejadian wanita di ciptakan yang akan melengkapi lelaki. Wanita pengurus kepada lelaki yang merupakan pemimpin.
Bilamana kita tahu manusia ini fitrahnya bagaimana, maka akan memudahkan gerak kerja dan memahami tingkah laku menjadi mudah. Oleh itu, cubalah untuk sama-sama memahami manusia ciptaan Allah s.w.t ini yang di dalamnya sendiri terdapat tanda-tanda kebesaran dan kekuasaan Sang Pencipta.


saya sangat MARAH! I was very very UP SET!


When I go out from my class, I was straight away go to the "food fair" to see what happen. As we know this week is the Cultural Week but to me it Culture Shock! When I Arrive at the corridor between blok A5 and A4 the situation was so noisy!

I was wonder what happen, and when I look close to figure out what had happen actually they was Arabians guy were dancing by make a circle. Ok, fine. But what happen was, they were holding hand and in between with the AJNABI women.I was very very very up set and terrible heart attack!!!!!!!

Astagfirullah al azim. First thing that came accross my mind is WHAT PEOPLE WILL THING ABOUT ISLAM??? They all ARABIAN man which when people see, its like a corporate image of ISLAM. Things become worse when the estupido ARABIAN man just simply hug the malay girl, and I wonder why the girl just let it happen eventhough she don't want. I know, I can read from body language. GTH!!!!


I was spoke with the one of the arabian man that incharge the counter, and he was one of the dancer I saw just know. I said:



me:are tou a muslim?

arabian: of course, Yes I am.

me: I want to tell you something, I was so dispinted with what happen just know. You know right that Islam forbid mixed between women and man ajnabi.

arabian: yes, but I did'nt invite, when she try to touch i was try to avoid (by showinh his hand like shaling2..huu..lantak la kome fhm ke x)

me: but in Islam, everywhere and anywhere it is the same! I hope you can tell your friends.

arabian: ok.

But, he seems didn't bother regarding my complaints and I don't thing so that he will take any action. My body was shaking and prespire, I feel cool. Because I am truly and really ANGRY. Please, trust me. I was about to just leaving, but my friend still want to see others thing and fine..I accompany her.

But, what make me become more and more upset is the arabian man drage and forcing the malay girl to dance at the middle! Estupidooo.

My heart say, Fariha you got to do something! You can't simply let it happen. On my way to go back to my hostel I saw two men. I didn't sure from which country are they. But they dress fully abaya man(don't know specific name) and I spoke to them. The same thing I spoke with the first arabian man just now. And this time, alhamdulillah they response least..

However, my heart is still not satisfide, once I reach my home, I call Abdullah one of the PMI members that i trusted. I telliing him what had happen and I was a bit "okey" than before.


I will regard them Assalamualaikum w.t.h! Ya akhi...Ya Akhi.. Listen.. Are you guyss Muslims? Do your action, you guys just hurt him. and I was feel the paint twice..but not twice..more than that!! Islam is the simple,logic and understandable religion in the earth face.

But your action didn't show that you guys understand it. SubhanAllah you come from the country where Islam born and spread till here. Don't you feel lucky ? You can speaks arab and of course you are able to understand Al-Quran better than me. I was learning arabic just because I want to understand the Quran, but you guys don't have to do so. It was your mother toug language. MasyaAllah...

I bagging you guys please stop doing this, pleaseee and pleasee.. With the name of Allah and His Prophet Muhammad s.a.w and for Islam. I want you to now to stop it!!!! Sollualan nabi...


If I was mad enougth at that time without my Iman accompany me. You know what I want to do to that men? I feel like I want to stabe him hundred times till he confirmly die! I feel like I want to scratched his face became ugly and bleeding! I was feel like I want to burn all of them at that time.

But alhamdulillah, I didn't. To be reminde, here I am not simply angry at people, I will become up set if they disobey Allah s.w.t. and hurt Rasulullah s.a.w. I tried my best, and I don't want only to stop here.


Recently they have new pub exist near to Food Court. I was shocked! Muslimin and muslimat of Legenda, please we together do something to prevent it! With the name of Allah and Muhammad Rasulullah.. Takbir!!! Allahuakbar!! Allahuakbar!!

"Ya muqolibal Qulub, thabit qulubana a'la dinika Ya Allah" ameen.

11 May 2009



Firman Allah SWT: maksudnya;

“Dan Kami telah tunjukkannya dua jalan (jalan kebajikan dan jalankajahatan).”
(al-Balad: ayat 10)

“Apakah manusia menyangka bahawa ia akan dibiarkan begitu sahaja(tanpa dipertanggung-jawabkan).” (al-Qiyamah: ayat 36)

Telah ditentukan bagi manusia jalan yang ditempuhinya. Allah SWT telah menggariskan jalan tersebut di sisi-Nya dan meletakkan di hadapan manusia panji-panji matlamat kehidupan dan juga hikmat kejadiannya.

Firman AllahSWT: maksudnya;
“Apakah kamu mengira bahawa Kami menjadikan kamu secara sia-sia sahajadan kamu semua tidak akan dikembalikan kepada Kami. Maka Maha Tinggi Allah,Raja yang sebenarnya.” (al-Mu’minun: ayat 115-116)


Orang yang berbahagia ialah orang yang telah bertemu dengan pertolongan-Nya.Orang yang telah ditarik oleh cahaya hidayah-Nya. Mereka telah meneroka dengan pandangan mereka segala kabus yang telah menutup kealpaan dan kelalaian mereka selama ini. Seterusnya mereka tahu akan marhalah-marhalah perjalanandan melangkah menuju ke matlamatnya.

Firman Allah SWT: maksudnya;
“Maka segeralah kembali mentaati Allah . Sesungguhnya aku adalah pemberi peringatan yang nyata daripada Allah untukmmu. Dan janganlah kamu mengadakan tuhan (Ilah) yang lain di samping Allah.Sesungguhnya aku seorang pemberi peringatan yang nyata daripada Allah untukmu.” (az-Zariyat: ayat50-51)

Apa sahaja yang menyebabkan manusia terpesong daripada sampai kepada-Nya,atau mengubah serta menyelewengkan manusia daripada menghadap-Nya, atau memisahkan manusia daripada bergantung serta berharap kepada-Nya, samaada berupa hawa nafsu yang menguasai atau kemahuan yang degil atau kehendak-kehendak terhadap sesuatu yang cepat lupus dan hilang (duniawi), maka semua ituadalah ilah-ilah selain daripada-Nya.

Firman Allah SWT: maksudnya;
"Kedua-dua jalan tersebut tidak akan sama selama-lamanya".

“Maka apakah orang-orang yang beriman sama dengan orang-orang yangfasiq (kafir)? Mereka tidak sama. Ada pun orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal-amal saleh, maka bagi mereka syurga-syurga tempat kediaman,sebagai pahala terhadap apa yang telah mereka kerjakan. Dan adapun orang-orangyang fasiq, maka tempat mereka adalah neraka. Setiap kali mereka hendakkeluar daripadanya, mereka dikembalikan ke dalamnya dan dikatakan kepadamereka:
"Rasakan siksa neraka yang dahulu kamu mendustakannya.”
(As-Sajadah: ayat 18-20)

“Apakah patut Kami jadikan orang-orang Islam itu sama dengan orang-orang yang berdosa? Mengapa kamu berbuat demikian? Bagaimanakah kamu mengambil keputusan? (al-Qalam: ayat 35-36)

“Patutkah Kami menganggap orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakanamal saleh sama dengan orang yang melakukan kerosakan di muka bumi? Patutkah pula Kami menganggap orang- akupun termasuk orang-orangyang menunggu bersama kamu”. Kemudian Kami selamatkan para Rasul Kami danorang-orang yang beriman, demikianlah menjadi kewajipan atas Kami menyelamatkanorang-orang yang beriman.”(Yunus: ayat 102-103)

Sesungguhnya hati itu berada di bawah kekuasaan Allah SWT. Firman AllahSWT: maksudnya;

“Dan Allah berkuasa terhadap urusan-Nya tetapi kebanyakkan manusia tidak mengetahui.”(Yusuf: ayat 21)


Firman Allah SWT dalam al-Hadith al-Qudsi (yang bermaksud):

“Barangsiapa yang memusuhi wali-Ku (kekasih-Ku), Aku telah mengisytiharkan perang terhadapnya. Tidak ada cara bertaqarrub (mendekatkan diri) seorang hamba kepada Ku yang lebih Ku sukai melainkan melaksanakan kewajipan-kewajipan yang Ku fardhukan kepadanya. Namun sentiasa hamba-Ku itu berusaha mendekatkan diri kepada Ku dengan melakukan hal-hal yang sunat sehingga Aku pun mencintai(mengasihi)nya. Apabila dia telah Aku cintai, Akulah pendengarannya yang dengannya dia mendengar, penglihatannya yang dengannya dia melihat, tangannyayang dengannya dia memukul keras dan kakinya yang dengannya dia berjalan.Jika dia memohon kepada Ku, Aku akan kurniakan dan jika dia memohon perlindunganKu, Aku akan melindunginya. Dan tidak pernah Aku ragu-ragu pada sesuatudi saat Aku akan melakukannya seperti ragu-Ku untuk mengambil jiwa orang mu’min yang enggan mati sedangkan Aku tidak suka mengganggunya.” (HadithRiwayat al-Bukhari)-


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