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18 May 2009

Stranger - غرباء


غرباء و لغير الله لا نحني الجباه

غرباء و ارتضيناها شعارا للحياة

إن تسل عنا فإنا لا نبالي بالطغاة

نحن جند الله دوما دربنا درب الإباء

لن نبالي بالقيود بل سنمضي للخلود

فالنجاهد ونناضل و نقاتل من جديد

غرباء هكذا الأحرار في دنيا العبيد

كم تذكرنا زمانا يوم كنا سعداء

بكتاب الله نتلوه صباحا و مساء


Strangers … strangers … strangers … strangers

Strangers… and without it being for Allah, we will not be rewarded

Strangers… to be satisfied with it is the motto for life

If you ask about us, then indeed we do not care of the tyranny

We are the soldiers of Allah, our path is that of (being) rejected

We do not care for about our shackles, indeed we will strive for eternity

Thus we fight and struggle and strike anew

Its strangeness as is the passion of the earth's slaves

How many times we remember a time; a day that was joyous

Allah's book, we recite night and day

Strangers … strangers … strangers … strangers


Now people mind become very strange. They disobey about the sunnahtullah. They do not want to do their responsibility. Islam need to be practise in wherever you are, no matter how busy we are. But when it comes to Allah and Islam. Others would just be the back up but Islam is becoming our priority.

They are suppose to be the stranger because did not do ta'lifan from Allah s.w.t.

"Allahumma inna as-a'luka al-huda,al-tuqa',al-a'fafa,al-ghina"


p/s: for that particular person. this is my answer.

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