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13 May 2009

world is too wonderful with "EXCUSES"


This week again I cannot go back home because there is a program which I need to attend..'s a MUST to go. In fact, almost 1 month 3 week which i did not go back home at all. This is the first time. But for Islam, I sacrify my time with my family, and of course missing them will always haunted me. However, when we place Islam at the highest hierarchy in life, then InsyaAllah we will able to do that.

Somehow, not all people understand the priority which "fik-awlawiyat" that will guide us in order to make decision in life. We cannot ask the situation to follow our flexibility, but we ourself suppose to adapt with the environment itself.


So, the problem came up when I ask my follower to attend the program as well. What happen was there are so many "no", "sorry I cannot", and "don't want".

What I should do then? I tried my very best to explain them and give them alternative. Afterwards, Im sharing my experience. I believe in Legenda, PMI is the best platform to educate our self in religion especially. To get to know Allah s.w.t better than ever.

Furthermore, it also will help you to improve your skill in order to communicate with people, to do technical part like doing proposal, these help you a lot when you are going out there for work. But of course, the ultimate aim is to understand Islam and train yourself to work for Islam. Indeed, I want to emphasize here that PLEASE BE A STUDENT WHICH ONLY THING ABOUT THEIR LIFE. Sometime we do not know how much people around need help from our self. Their heart screaming but the voice we could not here. You only can listen if you tried to discover.


You have first seek the answer and reason to come, not to avoid to come.Normally people tend to give many many excuses NOT TO COME. Yes, I know there is sometimes a good reason but at the particular time it became nonsense! Why?

Normally.. Sorry, I have a lot of assignment..

Sorry, My mother ask me to go back home..

Sorry, I want to dating with my boy friend. (this one not yet, but if they give this reason..i sue them..hehe)

Sorry, I am not feeling very well..

Hello friends, you think you are the only one got assignment? Have mother father? Sick?

For me these kind of reason is no more valid. But I know, I cannot compare their understanding with my level of understanding. But what I want to say here is, train your self to cmake a decision base on the priority. This is the challenge, i think it just to small compare the real world out there which very cruel.


This i sthe knowledge which able to help us to solve the problem in order to make a decision. Especially when many IMPORTANT AND UNEXPECTED THINGS COME ACCROSS.. Letter I will explain furter abFik Awlawiyah.. Got To Go..

Ilal liqa'


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