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05 January 2014

#TOF2013: Becoming a Mother


Alhamdulillah minggu lepas Allah bagi rezeki untuk attend event Twin of Faith anjuran mercy mission dan kat sini aku nak kongsi (sebenarnya lebih kepada nota untuk diri aku sendiri) tentang satu workshop bersama Sister Tasneem, "Mother of Believer".

Kenapa aku attend workshop yang ni? Because I want to learn the art to be a mother. Not just a mother.

Sister Tasneem stimulate our mind, make us thinking by asking us to continue the definition "motherhood is............." and asking some a few sister to share their opinion. 

As to me motherhood is keep growing your self by keep learning (constant personal development) in order to develop more sense of PATIENT because EVERYTHING need patient and for us to chose the right respond. (dah macam ayat assignment la pula.huhu)

When it comes to.........

"Parenting is not about the children, its about the parents"

It's like, ohh man............ the way I'm thinking about it is wrong and its totally shift my paradigm. Selalu kita fikir, "macam mana nak faham pasal budak-budak ni, diorang ni tak faham bahasa (berharap mereka yang faham kita)". 

Its not about understanding them, but its about understanding YOURSELF. Yes, YOU. LEARN about yourself, what capacity you have? Face our own demon. Face yourself trough your children. Knowing yourself better.

Why? Because..............................

"Your children is the reflection of you, the best of you 
or the worse of you"

Not "correcting" them, but fixing our own self! 

Experience what teach you. Don't compare one mother to another mother. Everyone is unique and different. Don't try to be somebody else. Be yourself. The best of you. 

The most popular hadith that a mother really proud of is........

"Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) reported that a person came to the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) and asked: “Who among people is the most deserving of my fine treatment?” He (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) replied: “Your mother.” He then asked, “Who next?” The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) replied: “Your mother.” He asked again: “Who next?” He (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said again, “Your mother.” He again asked, “Then who?” He (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Your father.” [Sahih Bukhari]

But................... Its comes with a PRICE. It's 3x more hardship, 3x more responsibility. The biggest commitment and NO RESIGNATION. 

Kesusahan 3bulan pertama dengan morning sickness, loya sepanjang masa. Lapar sepanjang masa, naik berat badan mendadak (alhamdulillah aku consume herbalife), sakit tulang pelvic merenggang, kejang betis, sakit contraction, sakit nak susukan anak. Bangun malam seorang ibu lebih effective dari seorang bapa.

Allah........... After all the pain and Allah reward us.......

As sister Tasneem define in raising a child especially if it's a girl, it's not raising a woman, but.....

"The biggest most important JOB is I'm raising someone 
else mother"

moga jadi anak solehah ummi&abi:)

We imagine the best version of yourself, and what kind of person she gonna be, its comes from you but you cannot give your children what you don't have.

Semuanya berbalik kepada diri kita sendiri. Sentiasa memperbaiki diri. 

Last one we need to identify:


Guest what, the worse much easier to be identify then the best :( Semoga Allah memberi ruang dan peuang kepada kita untuk menjadi isteri solehah, ibu mithali dan memperoleh syurga Allah swt.

Jom kita berlatih-latih untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik.


Be a healthy family,its start from a mum
wahtsapp: 017-7105075

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