Dalam chat2 kat chat box FB aku jadi blur and tak bape reti nak terangkan kat ruang kecik tu pasal herbalife. Sebab herbalifi ni best sangaat. Nak bagi korang faham pasal Herbalife ni sebenarnya apa sangatlah penting. Selalu kalau aku buat presentation mesti aku tanya dulu apa persepsi korang pasal Herbalife, ramai la jawab, slimming product la, supplement la, herba-herba la & etc. Ok, tak salah tapi kurang tepat.
Perkara sebetulnya tentang Herbalife adalah, NUTRISI LENGKAP. Bukan dadah, bukan slimming product, bukan supplement tapi MEAL REPLACEMENT. Kirenya macam nasi+sayur+ayam+daging tu ke? Ha a, cuma perform dalam bentuk powder which is Herbalife. Ok cuba nengok rajah & penerangan kat bawah ni:
Our body is the most important machine we will ever operate. Controlling what goes into it, increasing energy, obtaining better nutrition and maintaining health shouldn't be work, but rather, a healthy lifestyle. For good health, our body needs many types of nutrients. It can be difficult and even overwhelming to consume enough nutrient-rich foods every day. Look no further. Herbalife makes staying healthy easy! Herbalife Malaysia ranges of weight management products are formulated to help our body better assimilate nutrients, eliminate impurities and invigorate energy. What's more, their personal Care Outer Nutrition products can help you look good and feel as young on the outside as you are healthy on the inside.

Healthier Cells for a Healthier You We need to nourish our cells with the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients and the best way to nourish them is with nature. That's why the basis of Herbalife's Cellular Nutrition and all the products uses plant-based nutrients. Herbalife maximizes Cellular Nutrition through unique, scientific formulations. It's the select blends of high-quality ingredients and the methods used to preserve their nutrient value. Therefore, Herbalife products are personalized programs to address each individual's needs. How does Cellular Nutrition work? Herbalife's products are scientifically formulated to support healthy "villi". These tiny, finger-like structures along the walls of our intestine are essentially "gatekeepers", helping our body absorb more nutrients, vitamins and minerals, while protecting us from toxins. The healthier our villi, the more efficiently it can absorb the nourishment our cells need to a healthier body.

Healthy Weight Management with Herbalife in Malaysia
According to International Obesity Task Force, about every 4th person on Earth is too fat. Obesity is fast becoming one of the world's leading reasons why people die. The prevalence of overweight and obesity were 31.6% and 16.3% respectively in Malaysia. About 30.9% of men and 32.4% of women were overweight while 13.9 of men and 18.8% of women were obese. Weight loss has become a conscious effort for those who want to keep an optimum body weight to live a healthy lifestyle. Herbalife Malaysia products help you achieve that easily.

Herbalife's science-based ShapeWorksTM Program combines Cellular Nutrition and the power of protein so you can manage your hunger, maintain a healthy metabolism and feel energized as you lose those unwanted kilos through Herbalife's nutritious Mixed Soy Powder Drink, Tea Mix-Lemon & Hibiscus, and Blended Soy and Whey Protein Powder. ShapeWorksTM Program, which is simple, easy-to-follow and delicious, offering you everything you need for lasting weight-loss success. Based on Cellular Nutrition, it is a flexible program that can be personalized for customers depending on whether they want to lose, gain or maintain weight. Enhancers and Protein snack bars are designed to complement the ShapeWorksTMweight management program and help you overcome any dieting challenge.
Ok, nampak tak roda bulat besar tu? Kalau perasan weight management just a part from it, tapi kenapa Herbalife terkenal dengan pengurusan berat badan sebab OBESITI is accelerating all over the world, the worse Malaysia number one in ASIA! Malaysia boleh? Oh no ;( huhu. Roda besar tu represent the whole thing about Herbalife. Sebab tulah baby boleh makan, orang mengandung, kanak2, dewasa orang tua, orang berpenyakit apa pon boleh makan HERBALIFE. Sebab? Sebab Herbalife ni makanan lengkap untuk badan.
Badan jadi tak sihat sebab LEMAK JAHAT banyak. Lemak datang dari pemakanan kita yang tak sihat. So, lawan dengan makanan sihat, HERBALIFE makanan sihat.
Sel sihat, badan jadi sihat, bukan lawan dengan drugs (medicine). Hooyeay. Faham ke?
Kadang orang tanya aku, kalau saya tak makan Herbalife nak makan apa ek untuk sihat? Oh dear, we have no choise, aku akan cakap serious tak tahu apa yang sihat makanan yang lengkap selain Herbalife. Unless ko pergi tanam tanaman sendiri, masak sendiri, masak jangan letak gula garam tu sume. Masak sup je. Waa..macam miserable pulak life macam tu kan? huhu. Sebab makanan kita sekarang 3p. PEWARNA, PENGAWET, PERASA.
Jalan kaki ke naik kereta lebih laju? of coz la kereta kan? So itulah analoginya. Boleh nak control makan macam biasa, tapi lambatla.
Setakat ni alhamdulillah ada cusstomer yang kencing manis, tinggi kolestrol, darah tinggi, masalh buah pinggang membaik dan kembali normal. Bestnya dapat tolong orang. Making the world healthier:) Dari sudut budget, kita customize ikut keperluan & kemampuan orang tu, we don't force people. Untuk memastikan lagi benda ni bukan slimming product, nah lihat ini: Lional Messi dari Barcelona, nengok atlit pon makan Herbalife. Yang aku suka Messi ni, before Herbalife taja dia pon, dia memang dah ambil Herbalife. Cool :) Sebab tu aku suka messi. haha. Aku tak larat nak upload pic testimoni banyak2 so boleh refer kat FB aku ye?
Ya Allah berikanlah kami kekuatan untuk meneruskan MISI KAMI, NUTRISI kepada semua orang. ameen.
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